New Business Registration

New Business Registration

Helping you choose the entity that’s right for you. We set up an initial consultation to determine your current and future tax brackets and choose the right legal entity for your business.

Planning to register a business in the U.S.? Welcome to Lemus Business Services, the go-to company for entrepreneurs looking to start a new business in Dallas or other areas in the U.S.

We provide end-to-end business registration services that take care of everything for you so you can focus on other important things you need to make your business a success. Our services include helping you verify your company’s name, choosing the right business structure for your operation, collecting and submitting all required documents to the authority, setting up tax accounts, obtaining Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) from IRS, and securing necessary licenses. 

Our goal is to make new business registration as easy, fast, and seamless as possible for you. Our professionals will partner with you not only at the start-up stage but also provide the support you need to achieve continued success all through the life of your business. Beyond guiding our clients through the company registration stages, we also provide a full suite of business start-up services, such as bookkeeping, tax planning, and payroll services, which you need to grow and maintain a thriving business. Ready to register your new business? Contact us now to learn more about our business registration services. We would love to hear from you. 

Call Us Today for All Your Compliance Accounting Needs

When you work with us, you will be provided with timely and accurate accounting information, and you will have the ability to know where you and your business stand at all times.

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